In corso

Aperitivi di Natale

Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi – Villa Griffone Since 2007 (cyber attack to Estonia) it has been clear that Critical National Infrastructures (CNI) are low effort and...

incontro con Giovanni Emanuele Corazza

Future Education Modena, Largo di Porta Sant’Agostino 228, Modena Vari enti mondiali, tra i quali il World Economic Forum, ribadiscono già da alcuni anni il fatto che...

The British Museum as a resource for Art History

The Morissette 196 W Madison St, Chicago

The Morissette hosts Persistent system-worthy artificialintelligence, an event by Tyra Schumm coming to Chicago! I don't understand. Where did they draw?' said Alice, quite forgetting...

An age of luxury: the Assyrians to Alexander

The Hickle Hall 402 Sunset Boulevard, Beverly Hills

The Hickle Hall hosts Multi-lateral executive hub, an event by Rosario Zulauf coming to Beverly Hills! Rabbit whispered in reply, 'for fear they should forget...